I love Mango

Especially Nam-Dok-Mai Mangoes

Sherri Mango

The 'Nam Dok Mai' mango (Thai: name, also spelled Nam Doc Mai) is a mango cultivar which originated in Thailand. It is the most popular mango variety in Thailand, and is grown commercially in Australia and Colombia as well, albeit as a minor variety. It is considered to be ’noble’. The fruits of this variety have an elongated shape; there are both small and very large. The weight of one fruit can reach up to 500 grams.

Very ripe Nam-Dok-Mai has sweet, sugar taste. And if you choose a slightly unripe fruit, then enjoy an easy, pleasant sourness. The fruit ripening period is June-July, but the Nam-Dok-Mai trees often bloom and bear fruit not in time, thereby transferring the ripening period for a couple of months forward or back. It grows in a cool climate too.
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