I Love Yoga

What is yoga?

Yoga for health Email this page to a friend Print Facebook Twitter Pinterest Yoga is a practice that connects the body, breath, and mind. It uses physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve overall health. Yoga was developed as a spiritual practice thousands of years ago. Today, most Westerners who do yoga do it for exercise or to reduce stress. Benefits of Yoga Yoga can improve your overall fitness level and improve your posture and flexibility. It may also: Lower your blood pressure and heart rate Help you relax Improve your self-confidence Reduce stress Improve your coordination Improve your concentration Help you sleep better Aid with digestion In addition, practicing yoga may also help with the following conditions: Anxiety Back pain Depression


How to get Started Look for yoga classes at your local gym, health center, or yoga studio. If you are new to yoga, start with a beginner class. Talk with the instructor before the class and tell them about any injuries or health conditions you may have. You may want to ask about the instructor's training and experience. However, while most instructors have had some formal training, there is no objective yoga certification body. Choose an instructor you enjoy working with who does not push you in ways you are not comfortable.

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