Art is my passion

The meaning of art is dependent on the eyes' beholder.

Different Art

Growing up as a child, shy to speak or interact, art was one of the most vivid ways that I was able to express myself. I would draw, paint, sculpt, sing and even dance. These outlets have followed me to the woman that I have become today and they've helped in times least expected. Art has been able to help me in times of depression, anger, grief, even the happiest of times. At this point in my life, my favorite outlets to express and share my inner world would have to be textured/3D art sculpting, mixed media prints that carry motivational messages, painting, and singing. While doing so, I am always able to connect with my inner child, allowing my intuition to control the each and every stroke of my brush or tool. Art is my hope. It is my imaginative escape to a world of peace and love. Art is the pinnacle of our very existince. Art is life.

Learn the different forms of art