Ethio pian C offee

a cup of coffee

History Of Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopia is the motherland of Coffee Arabica . It is endowed with a rich variety of coffee and its diverse origins. Ethiopian coffee is rich with original flavor and aroma because of the geographical,genotypic and cultural variety within the country.

The word coffee drives from Kaffa , name of a place in the South Western Ethiopian highlands where coffee was first discovered. It is also known to be the first Coffee Arabica exporter in Africa and is currently the fifth largest coffee producer in the world.

Steps to brew the perfect pour over coffee

  1. Measure for your brew ratio
  2. Grind the coffee
  3. Boil the water and wait 1 minute
  4. Place and wet the filter
  5. Place the coffee in the filter
  6. Pour and wait
  7. Continue and complete your pour
  8. Enjoy your coffee!