tiny houses, a design for modern living


what is a tiny house?
Tiny Houses are primary, full-fledged dwelling units on a small scale. Building and living in a Tiny House is done from a conscious choice, as an answer to a desire to live a simple life. With less focus on material possessions and with a smaller eco footprint. Clever ways of utilizing space and the use of innovative technologies are characteristic in the design and construction of Tiny Houses. A Tiny House is up to 50 m2, ideally (partly) self-sufficient, of high quality and functioning as a fulltime inhabited dwelling. Being mobile and/or fully off-grid is a possibility, not a requirement. The best place to set up tiny houses is in nature to enjoy the view through the large windows. For an extra charge you are completely self-sufficient in cooperation with our company. Our way of using steel gives the house an even more natural touch and changes its appearance over time in an estetical way, because of rost.
look at the company concept 🪬