Serotonin is a by-product of melotonin. If you can go outside in the sun
and look into the bluelight, this helps regulate your serotonin levels,
which supports sleep. Decrease blue light before bed to maximize sleep.
Eat Fermaneted Foods
Foods such as pickled onion, yogurt, kimchi and saurkraut are all great foods for your gut. As most of our neurotransmitters are made in the gut (not the brain), eating these types of foods will help support the good bacteria in your gut!
Practice the Lucky Girl Syndrome
Every day, manifest that all good things you have make you the lukiest person alive. Manisfestation (or prayer) is a tool that helps people get closer to something they're tring to achieve by creating an end result or picture in their mind before taking action and executing. In this case, you are practicing gratiude for the things you alredy have.