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🐱Why cats make great pets🐱

Cats are the most popular pet on the Internet. Cats offer companionship, unconditional love, entertainment, affection, lots of purring, comfortable silences and they're trainable!

Cats are:

Fun Facts about Cats:

Cats' ears are incredibly sensitive. They are able to detect sounds as high as 65 kilohertz, an ability that may be even greater than that of a dog and definitely a human. Plus, a cat's ears are always alert, even when he's sleeping.
Impressed by cats' incredible sense of balance? Well, they actually have an organ called the vestibular apparatus within each ear, and it works with the eye to give them that superb balancing ability.
No potty-training needed? That's right! Cats do not need to be litter-box trained. It is a natural habit continued from their ancestors wild cats. Cleanliness is next to godliness for a cat. They spend more than one-third of their waking hours grooming.

Sadly, 3.2 million cats find themselves in a shelter every year, either born in a shelter, surrendered or abandoned. If you want a new member in your family, click on the button below.

Page build by a Cat Lover