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Mohinga is the most popular and famous breakfast in Myanmar. It is served with the crispy fried bean fritters, boiled eggs, onions, the sliced tender core of banana-steam. You can add drops of lime juice, fish sauce, dry chili powder, coriander or beans if you like for your preferable taste. You can also choose boiled eggs ( oe bal ou ), fried fish cake (nga hpe) and fritters (akyaw) with your favourite. Mohinga is not only an essential breakfast for Myanmar people but also taken as a snack throughout the day.

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Coconut Noodle

Coconut Noodle

Coconut Noodle is Burmese noodle dish which consists of wheat noodles with creamy spiced chicken coconut broth. And you can garnished with fritters, hard-boiled egg and choose your favourite with lime, chillies or fish sauce. The flavors will be wonderful with creamy coconut chicken noodle soup. If you are a big fan of coconut milk based soups, you should not miss burmese coconut noodles.

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Tea Leaf Salad (La Phat Thoke)

Tea Leaf Salad

Tea Leaf Salad (La Phat Thoke) is a traditional Myanmar food which is a kind of salad made from tea leaves and mixed with shredded small cabbage, sliced tomatoes, nuts and peas, sliced filets, spicy pepper and garlic. The texture of the salad is unique, the taste is a combination of soft, bitter, sour and also spicy. Burmese people have Tea Leaf Salad just a snack, an appetizer or paired with a plate of rice as a meal. You can try it in restaurants as well as streetside stalls. Once you try it, you will understand why Burmese people love it.

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