Why you should read more books 📖🥰

A wise bookworm's advice

Reading is an incredible activity that expands your knowledge, it allows you to get lost in wonderful places, and live inside all kinds of worlds. Yes, you can live MULTIPLE LIVES in only one (yours). Besides, there are so many benefits for your brain that you must start reading RIGHT NOW - first, with this page.

1. It increases your vocabulary and compreehension 🙆‍♀️

Do you wanna be able to crush people with a wide vocabulary? This is your chance. I'd say philosophy, scientific and classic books can help you with that.

2. Reduces stress 💆‍♀️

Have you ever had a stressful day? I bet you did. Relax. There are some hilarious and romantic YA (young adult) novels waiting for you.

3. Memory improvement 💪🧠

Struggling to remember what do you need to buy in the supermarket? Or even what did you have for lunch yesterday? Not anymore. Let's work this brilliant brain of yours with some Jane Austen.

4. Entertainment 😮

It's just like watching a movie, but even better.

More about books on Instagram @umlivroeumdoce
Coded by Brenda Bressanelli Marcon