The Joys of Plantain!

Tell me more, I hear you say


I’m originally from Nigeria, so I’ve pretty much been eating plantains all my life. Plantains hold a special place in my heart.

Where do plantains come from?

Plantains can be found all over the Africa, the Caribbean and Central America, but they were not always native to these areas. Plantains are indigenous to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia. They made their way along trade routes to Africa and then were brought to the Caribbean by the Spanish and African slave traders. The plantain eventually became a staple ingredient in the Africa and the Caribbean. Learn more about the history of plantain.

How Do I Cook Plantains?

Plantains are also referred to as cooking bananas as they are generally used in cooking. They are the perfect side or main dish, and can also be eaten as a sweet or savory snack as crisps. Here's just some of the many ways plantain is served:

Never tried Plantain before? Sign up below for a simple yet delicious plantain recipe!

Coded by Temitope Ogunyemi