I love strawberries!šŸ“

With vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds, strawberries play a positive role in many health conditions.


Top 10 health benefits:

  1. Low Calorie
    Big on taste, low in calories: One whole cup of strawberries contains less than 50 calories.
  2. Cholesterol Champion
    Strawberry intake has been shown to reduce triglycerides, LDL- cholesterol, and total cholesterol.
  3. Hydration Boost
    Strawberries are mainly water (91%) and carbohydrates (7.7%) and contain only minor amounts of fat (0.3%) and protein (0.7%).
  4. ā€œCā€ is for Vitamin C
    Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that is important for the immune system and skin health.
  5. Brain Boosters
    Strawberries are linked to slower rates of cognitive decline due to their potassium content, which helps increase blood flow to the brain.
Read more on Wikipedia
Coded by Iryna Murzak