Skincare 101

Beginner's guide: How to build your routine

Determine your skin type

One of the first steps on the road to building a skincare routine is determining your skin type. One easy way to determine your skin type is to observe your skin throughout the day. Is your skin shiny and oily by lunchtime, or dry and flakey in the morning? Whatever the case, these characteristics are indicative of your skin type.

Steps to follow:
Step one

Gentle Cleanser
With all the environmental stressors your skin faces on a daily basis, a cleansing routine, morning and night, is a must. Choose a gentle hydrating cleanser.

Step two

Clarifying Toner
Your toner is key to wrapping up the cleansing process, removing that last bit of dirt and oil sitting deep in your pores.

Step three

Find the right moisturizer
Your skin needs moisture to replenish the water it loses throughout the day. Moisturizers with ingredients such as ceramides and hyaluronic acid can provide your skin with the healthy hydration it needs to stay soft, supple, and youthful.

Step four

Don't forget about sunscreen
We find that many patients only use sunscreen during what seems like the obvious times to do so, like a sunny day at the beach. But, in reality, it's important to wear sunscreen every day. In addition to reducing your skin cancer risk, you'll also be preventing the effects of photoaging—which can include dark spots and wrinkles.

Step five

Pull it all together
Once you have all of your products, it's time to put them together into a routine for the morning and the evening. Consistency is key when it comes to skincare, so make sure whatever routine you create is one that you'll be able to consistently follow on a daily basis.

Click here for product recommendations.

Coded by Palesa