Woman using a laptop and thinkg about how to improve the SEO of her website HTML Elements

This is an h1

Heading Tags (h1, h2, h3...) are HTML programming resources used to highlight titles and subtitles on a page.
When search engines (such as Google) crawl the page, the heading tags facilitate reading, understanding and even content indexing.

This is an h2

Heading tags are used to define the hierarchy and structure of a page. When you have great heading tags, it can make a big difference to SEO performance.
In this case, the HTML code is telling Google that "This is an h1" is more important than "This is an h2".

Formatting your text
This box is a SPAN element. But this text in black was inserted inside a DIV element, to allow us to format it in a different color and size.
This is a strong text

The "strong" tag makes makes the font bold.

This is an emphasized text

The content inside the "em" tag is normally displayed in italic.

On the footer of this page, you will find a link to my personal LinkedIn page. It is an outbound link - a link from this website to another one.
Outbound links are important to SEO rankings because they help Google's crawlers differentiate what the site you're linking to is about.
👍A good practise is to make the outbound links open in a new browser window. That makes it less likely that a user will permanently leave your website for the one you linked to. 😉

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