Doll Island, Mexico

The most haunted island in the world?

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Doll Island, also known as Isla de las Munecas , is known as one of, if not the most haunted island in the world.

Just south of Mexico City, between the canals of Xochimico you can find the small island with a sad background which never intended to be a tourist destination.
It is dedicated to the lost soul of a poor girl who met her fate by mysteriously drowning many years ago on the island. Local legend says that the dolls move their heads and arms and even open their eyes.
Julian, the local who found the girl, was apparently haunted by the spirit of the girl and started hanging more dolls in an attempt to please her spirit. He soon realized the dolls themselves were possessed by the spirits of dead girls, and continued to collect creepy dolls hanging them over the entire island. The island has become a hotspot among paranormal investigators in recent years, however, the locals are reluctant to step foot on the island, especially at night...
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