🏹 Archery: Compound vs Recurve Bows 🏹

If you’re new to the world of archery, you’ll quickly discover that the gear can get pretty complicated—and confusing. This realization will probably hit right about the time you’re trying to buy your first bow. You’ll find that the harder you look, the more intricacies you’ll see. From bow models, draw lengths, and draw weights, to rests, sights, releases, arrows, and other accessories, it can all seem overwhelming. But don’t worry, there are a lot of details that you don’t need to get bogged down with immediately. However, one thing you’ll likely notice at any local archery shop is that there are different styles of bows. There are multiple sub-categories, but in general, they are usually broken down into two main categories; compound and traditional bows. Today, compound bows and their technology are as popular as ever, but there has also been a resurgence of interest in traditional bows in recent years. Below is an overview of some of the different types of bows.

Type of Bows



Long Bow

Two main styles of bow are recurve, and compound, as pictured below:

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