howdy partner

nice seeing you around these parts

i just wanted to let you know i enjoy drawing.
i'm particularly passionate about drawing comics (and typing everything lowercase).
would you like to take a look at some of my characters?

this is charlie.
she woke up in a world where demons and vampires are real. and they're her friends now. without any memory of who she is besides her name, she'll have to chose whether make a new life for herself in this strange new world or delve deep in search of who she was before.
hm? oh, you want to know about the guy on the right? his name is bishop. he's a professor at the university she will soon attend and, well, he's the love interest i suppose.

this is dirk.
he has an identical twin called dwight. he's also a demon in case that wasn't obvious. the twins are jokesters and alergic to being serious. dirk, alongside dwight and skylar the vampire (you'll meet him next), found charlie passed out at their college train station. they've been friends ever since.

this is skylar.
he's a big guy and a vampire. a great guy with a heart of gold. he uses his father's connections to get charlie enrolled in the univerity they all attend, as well as an appartment for her to live in and a job at the local library to pay it off. he may also have a slight crush on charlie, which unfortunately for him, is very much one sided. but don't worry, he gets his happy ending when dwight confesses feelings he's had for skylar since their childhood. after that, it takes no time at all for skylar to turn his eyes away from charlie.

there, those are a few characters from the comic!
hey, since i have you here, how about you tell me which of them is your favourite?