Fashion changes, style remains

Making the best first impression while maintaining your personal style...

Did you know it takes only 7 seconds to make a first impression!? This means, within 7 seconds of your interviewer meeting you, they already have an impression. Crazy right😱? While I personally believe first impressions should be taken with a grain of salt, we are still human with human psycology. I also believe there are places where first impressions just don't matter! But when it comes to interviewing for a dream job, hosting a corporate meeting or meeting the partners' family for the first time, we may want to make the very best impression.

So you're probably thinking, all these are true but where do I actually start?! Don't worry, I've got you! This Sunday, I will be hosting a FREE masterclass titled WHAT'S STYLE GOT TO DO WITH IT?

In this masterclass, we will be going over:

Don't have time to attend this masterclass or just want to do more research on building your style, I've taken the liberty to share some of my favourite fashion resources with you. Find these below!

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