This term was first coined by researchers John Mayer and Peter Salovey in 1990, but popularised by a psychologist Daniel Goleman. It is defined as the ability to manage your own emotions and understand the emotions of the peoplen around you. There are five key elements to it such as: self-awereness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.
A high Emotional Intelligence can help you build relationships, improve your interpersonal skills and help you in recognising, interpreting and managing your emotions.
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It is argued that to be able to solve problems one must be counted to an avarage Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Score or more and therefore EI does not really metter in problem solving skills, however, Emotional Quotient/ EI helps with relieving stress, communicating effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. The avarage IQ score for avarage human beings is assumed between 89 - 130, and people with a higher IQ score are seen as more intelligent than the avarage human being. Moreover, it is said that people with a high level of Intelligence Quotient are likely to have a low Emotional Quotent, however, that does not mean the two are entirely related and one can have both high or low.
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