Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior TikTok? 👼

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Seriously... I've probably wasted 80% of quarantine on this app. ⏳

Please tell me I'm not the ONLY one. 😅

Seriously, since the first lockdown we have coped by Renegading our way through each existential crisis we've faced. Whether it's the new reality of going from working in an office with all of our beloved co-workers to working from home... or EVEN BETTER dealing with the new reality of unemployment. The TikTok algorithm has seen us through the pandemic with comedy, compassion, and like minds that we would never have seen on any other platform. Through TikTok Gen Z has discovered yoga pants (or as they call them "Flared Leggings" 🤢), made Millenials feel ancient, all while proving they are just generally a different breed a human. (Seriously is there something in their water?!💧 Asking for a friend...)
So if you haven't yet... Get yourself an account and jump on the TikTok train.
Join the TikTok Cult Family 😬