The beauty of life-long learning

In 2017, Google released a list of the most popular searches which began with the phrase 'how to…'. Topping the list was how to tie a tie, followed by other practical queries such as how to write a cover letter, and how to lose weight. Curiously, fifth on the list was something a little more whimsical. A lot of people searched for how to draw. Now, drawing is one of the first activities we pick up as children. Nearly every nursery offers kids crayons and markers. So why are so many adults searching for instruction?

still life class in progress

All too often, adults become content with their accomplishments and stop learning new skills. Our society disparages being a beginner as something only fit for children. Yet, continually challenging yourself to take on new interests and hobbies is a fantastic way to keep your brain alert. Developing a new skill or cultivating a new talent makes you see the world, and yourself, in a different light – and this will keep you happy and engaged as you age.

While adult brains are, perhaps, less nimble, they still retain plasticity. This term refers to our ability to change and learn. In fact, continuing to learn new skills as you age is fantastic for your mental health. Studies have found that when older adults practice new skills – like painting or writing music – they also improve in general cognitive tests. Even if you only focus on mastering one new activity, you’ll still open up your brain to more learning in the future.

Learn something pointless

There’s a lot of pressure to only spend time acquiring marketable skills. However, there’s a certain value in learning something just because it brings you joy. Never feel guilty if you spend time on a hobby even if it’s not professional. Learn to fly a kite, dance, or speak a new language. Why? Just because you enjoy it.

Tom Vanderbilt's book Beginners explores in detail the joys and transformative power of life-long learning. Listen to the Blinkist version here.

Being intentional about the way you spend your time off can be difficult, especially if you have a tendency to just blow free time doomscrolling. Finding a hobby as an adult might involve a lot of trial and error. But the mental health benefits of having something meaningful to do with your spare time are profound. If you need some inspiration, Future Learn have got you covered. Check out their list of 40 new hobby ideas to get you motivated and inspired to try something different. From relaxing, to energising, to expressive, there’s sure to be something for just about everyone.

✨ Enjoy learning your new hobby! ✨