"Those who doodled in class had a 29% improved recall of information compared to those who did not."
Line in art is a primitive but powerful form of artistic expression. It’s a dynamic technique that
and creates impact regardless of the format or media type-making it foundational to all great
The art of line drawing has quite a legacy. In fact, the earliest line art drawing known to date is
years old.
Many of the world’s best-known artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci, and Pablo
Picasso, created powerful art by
wielding simple
lines with purpose and expertise.
One of the most freeing things about line art is that there is no “right way” to do it. One of the
most attractive aspects of using line in art is that it’s a technique that works across nearly every
media, whether they are still lifes, portraits,
cartoons, or
landscapes, it can be as varied as your imagination allows.
Line art is sometimes compared to the best minimalist art because it employs basic elements, in this
lines, to
create figures, dynamism, movement, and/or perspective.
Even the “simplest” pieces of line art are the result of a complex and important artistic practice
that can take years,
or even decades, to master.