What is Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is a dummy text that is commonly used in the printing and typesetting industry as a placeholder for text that will be replaced with real content later on. It is often used as a placeholder in design and publishing software to give an idea of what the final layout of a page will look like.

Origins of Lorem Ipsum

Have you ever wondered where the Lorem Ipsum placeholder came from?
The Lorem Ipsum text is derived from a Latin text by Cicero called "De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (On the Ends of Good and Evil), which was written in 45 BC. The text was edited and modified over time, and it has been used as a placeholder text since the 16th century. Today, Lorem Ipsum is still used as a placeholder text in a wide range of applications, including website design, graphic design, and publishing. Its popularity is due to its readability and consistency, as well as its ability to mimic the look of real text without actually meaning anything, which makes it ideal for testing layouts and design elements without being distracted by the content of the text.

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Coded by Sarah Mizzoni (whose interests are so scattered that they embody the concept of mental Lorem Ipsum)