Stop Hazara Genocide

Over 50 students were killed in a suicide bombing at a learning Centre in Afghanistan.
The reason?
They were female and Hazara.


who are Hazaras?

Hazaras are people indigenous to the land called today as Afghanistan.
They have their own history and culture, and speak a Persian dialect known as Hazaragi.
The majority of Hazaras live in Hazaristan, a central mountainous region in Afghanistan, but a significant number also reside in Iran and Pakistan.
The Hazara community is facing the risk of a genocide in Afghanistan, but you may not have read about it in the news.
And maybe you have never heard of Hazara people at all.

What's happening to them?

The sole existence of Hazaras is perceived as threatening to terrorist organizations like the Taliban, al- Qaeda and their supporters. Hence, they are murdered for social, ethnic, and religious reasons. This forces them to leave their homes and seek refuge in other countries.
Since Taliban took over Afghanistan a year ago, hundreds of Hazara community members were killed and many more injured as a result of the targeted attacks

Has it always been like this?

Yes! The Hazara people have endured various forms of oppression from Pashtun rulers and governments, including slavery, systematic expulsion from ancestral homes and lands, and massacres.
These experiences have led some to consider Hazaras to be one of the "most persecuted people in the world."

How can we help?