
Did you know they exist?

Until now, everyone thought that unicorns were a myth. A magical creature that looked like a white horse with a horn on its forehead, that only a few lucky ones could see them.

No one has ever seen one, but most people like to think they exist and only appear if you are pure of heart etc.

I am here to tell you that they are real!

The truth is they are almost extinct, is rare to see one these days because, there are some donkeys disguised as unicorns and unicorns disguised as donkeys.

But what is a unicorn?

A unicorn is a loyal, loving, caring, friendly, compassionate, truthful, forgiving, considerate, understanding, warm, kind creature, but do not be mistaken, a unicorn is not a perfect creature it makes mistakes, can be stubborn, difficult, and lazy at times.

But what makes a unicorn so special is that no matter what, it has your back and if you are lucky enough to find one, take good care of it.

Learn more about unicorns here!

So, if you want tips to help you find one, please subscribe below.