Yoga against backpain

Do you suffer of backpain because of too much coding? 😁

I have always had so many problems with back pain due to working in an office too much every day. This is the main reason why I started with yoga. As I know that I am not alone with these problems, I want to share some nice exercises you can do in case you need a back pain relief asap. However, I need to state that (a) I am not a certified yoga teacher and (b) those exercises need to be carried out in combination with a healthy diet and normal exercises, e.g. taking a walk. You need to give your body back what it deserves. There are fantastic yoga or workout videos online, which can become your daily routine and over time, it makes your life more enjoyable - trust me 😊
So here come the two exercises for urgent backpain:

Learn more here

Coded by Jasmin Simoner