The Truth About Jewelry Making

Do you ever feel the urge to express yourself creatively?

Whether it's painting, singing a tune, or taking an artsy picture of your breakfast. It turns out,
being creative is essential to being human, and it may be more important to our health than we think.

Woman making beaded jewelry

Six Mental Health Benefits of Jewelry Making

How can designing beautiful jewelry make you happy and improve your mental health?
There are a few different ways.

  1. Increases happiness 🌻

    You’ve probably heard of flow — it’s the state you get in when you’re completely absorbed in something. Reduces anxiety, boost your mood, and slows your heart rate. Repetitive creative motions like knitting, drawing, or writing help activate flow, and are all tasks that create a result. And when you succeed at creating a result, no matter what it is, your brain is flooded with dopamine.
  2. Reduces dementia 🧐

    Creativity goes beyond just making you happy… It’s also an effective treatment for patients with dementia. Studies show that creative engagement not only reduces depression and isolation, but can also help people with dementia tap back in to their personalities and sharpen their senses.
  3. Improves mental focus 🧘‍♀️

    The average person has about 60,000 thoughts in a day. A creative act such as crafting can help focus the mind, and has even been compared to meditation due to its calming effects on the brain and body. Even just gardening or sewing releases dopamine, a natural anti-depressant.
  4. Keeps cognitive function sharp 🧠

    Jewelery making is especially beneficial for the very young and very old. Working with beads develops many useful skills for pre-schoolers as well as aged seniors. By participating in bead jewelry making, seniors keep their brains active. Jewelry making also develops creativity and imagination in people of all ages.
  5. Reduces risk of heart attack ❤️

    Working with beads can improve your physical health. Because it eliminates stress, it helps reduce the risk of a heart attack and other conditions caused by stress. The next time you feel stressed, try beading – It’s a fun way to relax and stay healthy.
  6. Hand-Eye Coordination 👓

    Putting the bead onto the string requires hand-eye coordination. Once the bead is in your hand, it must then be transferred onto the string, which involves manipulation skills. This is great for a developing child or the elderly who want to keep their skills sharp. Using beads also improves visual perception and memory, you must be able to scan the bead inventory, select the right ones, then develop a pattern and remember it.
📖 Learn more about the benefits of Jewelry Making

Jewelry making has a rich history, and is a great way to excercise the creative part of our brain.
I am proud to contribute to it's history and offer classes that can teach others how to do the same.

✨Join me for a Jewelry Making Class✨