If you have a ton of volume, your hair form into waves when wet and you
constantly have to fight frizz, you sure are a curly girl.
Not sure? Check these 5 signs you might be a CURLY GUL
Type 1s are straight, Type 2s are wavy, Type 3s are curly, and Type 4s
are coily.
Find your curl type.
Try an easy one first. The internet is flooded with curly-girl
routines that could literally take half of your day. Beginner tips:
Wash no more than once (or twice) a week, treat your scalp and use
high-quality products.
Try this one out:
The amount of products out there is overwhelming. Start with one or
two and slowly grow your collection. It's been two years of my curly
journey, and only now I'm trying a silk bonnet that was supposed to
be a must! Don't buy it all at once!
Here some ideas:
Need advise, support and inspiration? There are plenty of youtubers, influencers and bloggers that will make your journey easier and fun. My favourite are: Manes By Mell - Bianca Renee - India Batson