"Your Name" is a 2016 anime movie directed by Makoto Shinkai. The movie
follows the story of two teenagers, Taki and Mitsuha, who live in
different parts of Japan and have never met. Taki is a high school boy
living in Tokyo, while Mitsuha is a high school girl living in a rural
town in the mountains. One day, they wake up to find that they have
mysteriously switched bodies. As they try to figure out what is
happening to them, they begin to communicate with each other through
messages left on their phones and notebooks. As they continue to switch
bodies, they start to develop a strong bond and feelings for each other.
However, their happiness is short-lived as they soon realize that their
body-switching is linked to a catastrophic event that will affect both
of their lives. They embark on a quest to try and prevent the disaster
from happening and find each other before it's too late.
"Your Name" received critical acclaim for its storytelling, animation,
and music. The movie became a box office hit in Japan and
internationally, making it the highest-grossing anime movie of all time.
Its success also helped to popularize anime movies around the world.