I Love Dance


Especially Flamenco Dancing

Flamenco originated in Andalusia, Southern Spain and is a gypsy art form made up of three parts;

Song "Cante" , Guitar "Guitarra/Toque" & Dance "Baile"

It is influenced by many world cultures, including Gypsy, Indian, Moorish, Jewish, Celtic, Arabic, African, Latin American and traditional Spanish folkloric dance and music. It has also received modern influences from all styles of dance and music including contemporary, jazz and classical. Flamenco is a very emotive and rhythmical style of dance where dancers interpret the live music using body movements, combining fluid hand movements, rhythmical footwork and hand claps to form part of a musical ensemble. Today, Flamenco is embraced all over the world and in 2010 was listed under UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

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