It's a Beautiful Day
to be an Artist!

What's Better Than Relaxing While Creating?

Let's explore various creative art techniques that heal!

Put the Art in Alternative Healing

Art techniques that help mental health are not limited to just creating art, but also include observing and experiencing art. Visiting art galleries, attending concerts or performances, or even just listening to music can have a positive impact on our mental health. Art has the power to evoke emotions, memories, and associations that can help us process difficult experiences and emotions.

What's Stopping You?

Adults typically have complex, ambivalent feelings about art and art making. Some of the most common responses range from dismissal and derision to awe and sometimes shame about their own lack of artistic skills. Young children, on the other hand, typically draw and sing and dance without worrying about their abilities. That freedom and joy is often lost as we grow and begin to self-consciously evaluate the quality of our art. Too often, we become viewers of others’ art rather than being active creators, and we lose the many benefits of creative self-expression.

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