Feel the Wind with Yana!

Woman Kitesurfing

Being out there... alone on the water. The wind is in your face, and you're riding your board, navigating this vast, beautiful kite and enjoying the moment.

But to enjoy this moment, you must be able to read the wind and make quick adjustments to keep your kite in the air and your bottom safe. And let me tell you, sometimes, the wind doesn't cooperate. There are moments you could be far offshore, trying and struggling to keep your kite up and thinking, "Couldn't I just go for a regular swim like everyone else? Why do I always have to maximize things?" But then, when you think it's all over and you desperately need a rescue boat, the wind picks up again. 💨

You're soaring! Now you've got it again - balance.

⌖ This page was built by Jana Poliacikova ⌖