
Your New Favourite Berry!


Haskaps (Lonicera Caerulea) are a lesser known, but incredibly delicious variety of berry that I discovered in the spring of 2022. Although it has several other names, “Haskap” is the ancient Japanese word for “berry of long life and good vision” and was selected as the commercial title by the Fruit Program at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Haskaps are native to the colder climates of Asia, Europe, and North America. They prefer the wetlands of boreal forests and thrive in hardiness zones that can drop to -50℃ during the winter months. Not only are they winter-hardy, but they’re also one of the earliest fruiting types of berries and incredibly disease-resistant. Plus, their nutrient density is unrivalled by most other types of fruit, which may explain their use in traditional medicine.

When it was introduced to Canadian growers in the 1950s it was barely palatable. Through extensive cultivation, it acquired a flavor profile somewhere between blueberries and raspberries. The fruit can be used to make wines, jellies, and jams, but I personally prefer to eat them right off the plant just as the morning dew begins to evaporate.

If you would like to learn more about Haskaps, please follow the link below.

University of Saskatchewan

This page was created by Shawna Fletcher