Meet My Cats



Katniss had a rough start in life. She was born in an abusive environment, and she was surrendered at a local animal shelter when she was months old. The shelter had considered euthaniziing her after she bit a veterinarian, but a local Humane Society volunteer swept in like an angel and decided to foster her. It wasn't long before I saw her picture online, and I was instantly smitten with her tiny kitten face. We took her home on March 15, 2016, and she's been my baby ever since. I'm grateful that the Humane Society for saving my best friend's life.



Like his equally-orange namesake, Jonesy is a survivor. He was abandoned during the worst flood our hometown had ever seen, and my sister rescued him after he was hit by a car. He was a frail, starving kitten, and the veternarians were uncertain if he would make it. Thankfully, he pulled through. When my sister moved to Hawaii for her job, my husband and I volunterred to take Jonesy (since my sister had already reached her two-cat quota). We can't imagine life without hs rumble purrs and snuggles.

Find a New Friend 🐱🐶

✨Coded by Sarah Kirby✨