💿 The.Imperfect.Metalbaker 💿

🎸 Order your King's Cake before January 26th 🎸

The King's Cake is called "Galette des Rois" in french. This is a tradition that French Pastry lovers can’t miss. The King’s Cake ís prepared to celebrate Epiphany, a Christian feast day commemorating the visit of the Magi, the baptism of Jesus, and the wedding at Cana. It takes place every year on 6th of January. It is a delicious cake made of flaky puff pastry with Frangipane filling. ''Tirer les rois''means to draw the kings to Epiphany: a fève is hidden in the cake and the one that finds it, becomes the King or the Queen of the Day. The adult person that finds the fève has to offer the next cake. Are you going to "draw the Kings" this year?
  • Coded by mary_in_midlife_crisis