Ayurveda for Hair Care

To Grow Long Hair Use These Ayurvedic Hair Care Methods

Ayurvedic Hair Care

Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient methodology for healing and wellness. It is centered around the unity of the body, mind and spirit. It is primarily based on ancient Indian writings which outline the medical philosophy for mostly plant-based treatment of a variety of diseases and conditions. Some intitial clinical trials of Ayurvedic medicine have shown promising results for pain reduction and improvement in joint function, type 2 diabetes, and digestive problems. However, as a whole-body healing methodology, Ayurveda principles can be applied to your haircare products.

Here are some methods to use: Warm the oil and place it in a small bowl. Dip the fingertips of one hand in the oil while parting the hair at the top of the head with the other hand, and apply the oil to the scalp. Then part the hair in an adjacent location and apply again, moving around the scalp until you have oiled the entire head. Next, massage a bit of oil into the length of the hair. Finally, spend a few minutes massaging the scalp with small, circular motions to stimulate circulation and encourage the oil to absorb. Let the oil sit for 30 minutes or longer. Some like to leave the oil in overnight, but be sure to protect your bedding in some way if you do this. When you are ready to remove the oil, apply a gentle shampoo before wetting the hair and rinse with lukewarm water in the shower. If necessary, follow with a second shampoo.
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