Why YOU should go skiing or snowboarding

let me tell you why!

snowboarding girl

Skiing and snowboarding are thrilling activities and great workouts. Both sports are excellent cardiovascular exercises that strengthen the heart. Because they are also weight-bearing exercises, they strengthen your bones as they tone your muscles. Cardiovascular or aerobic exercises also work to reduce your risk for chronic diseases, and lower blood pressure. They also help you maintain a healthy body weight. Through regular aerobic exercise like skiing and snowboarding, you lower your risk of developing conditions like diabetes and heart disease, having a stroke, and perhaps even getting cancer. It's important to prepare your body for the challenges of these demanding winter sports with some pre-skiing and pre-snowboarding exercises. These exercises will strengthen you and get you fit enough to handle the slopes. You also need the proper equipment and lessons to teach you needed skills. If you have any chronic medical illnesses, are a smoker, or have not exercised in a while or at all, talk to your healthcare provider before skiing or snowboarding.
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This page was built by Stefanie Ginder