Inspiring Change and Transformation

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A Guide to Ecological Art

For centuries, art and nature have gone hand-in-hand, often the latter as a source of inspiration for the former. However, as the harsh realities of climate change have become increasingly pronounced, art has become a prominent medium in brining awareness of the environment’s fragility and the need to explore and utilize more sustainable practices.

Artists of the Ecological Art Movement seek to inspire preservation, restoration, and sustainability of the environment and its wide variety of ecosystems by incorporating principles of ecology within their art in a way that brings awareness to political, cultural, economic, aesthetic, and ethical impacts on the environment.

From working in harmony with the natural world to showcasing the ways in which we can harness renewable energy sources, ecological art is a broad practice that can show us how to see beyond our current way of life to a better alternative – one with less waste, fewer consequences, and more opportunities for a greener future. Learn more here.

This website was created by Jenna Westendorf