Especially when focusing on Data Analytics

DATA ANALYTICS is the collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to draw conclusions, make predictions, and drive informed decision making. Data analytics is often confused with data analysis. While these are related terms, they aren’t the same. In fact, data analysis is a subcategory of data analytics that deals specifically with extracting meaning from data. Data analytics as a whole includes processes beyond analysis, including data science (using data to theorize and forecast) and data engineering (building data systems).

There are four key types of data analytics: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive. Together, these four types of data analytics can help an organization make data-driven decisions. At a glance, each of them tells us the following:

  • Descriptive analytics tells us what happened.
  • Diagnostic analytics tells us why something happened.
  • Predictive analytics tells us what will likely happen in the future.
  • Prescriptive analyticstells us how to act.
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