
Certified Yoga Instructor

Lokah Samastah Sukinho Bhavantu

May All Beings Everywhere Be Happy and Free

Yoga-in nature, cresent moon pose, prayer

What is yoga? I don't believe there is one set answer. Just as we as human beings are ever changing, ever evolving, yoga changes with us and becomes what we need it to be in that moment.

Yoga is centering onself through movement, breath, and the quieting of the mind. I believe that yoga allows us to be who we are in that moment and enables us to find solace and peace within. It allows us to accept ourselves as we are so we can open our heart and channel all that is good surrounding us to create balance. Yoga is about allowing yourself to simply BE.

Yoga is mastering the feeling of our intensions and decreasing the suffering caused by the mind. When we allow what we focus on to change, our perception changes. Become aware. Acknowledge. Let go.

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Some doors only open from within.