Discovering Wellness

✩ 3 Ways To Manage Stress ✩

A woman stressed

When experiencing stress it is important to adopt healthy coping mechanisms to overcome stressful situations. I have 3 methods that help me manage my stress when experiencing moments of anxiety.

✩ 1. Exercising

Taking time to exercise always helps clear my mind and alleviate stress. It doesn't have to be a long, extreme workout, just trying going for a walk outside, a short run on the treadmill, or a quick yoga class. Exercising is scientifically proven to relieve stress.

man and woman squating

✩ 2. Healthy Eating

It is important to monitor your food intake during the day to get the right nutrients you need to give you energy, improve your mood, help your mind function, and strengthen your immune system to make it easier to manage stress.

When you are stressed try to follow these tips:

healthy foods on a plate

✩ 3. Get Enough Sleep

Your stress may be due to a deficiency in sleep. But, stress can also interrupt your sleep. Try to find ways you can naturally relax without relying on medication.

I have a few suggestions to help regulate your sleep patterns:

women trying to sleep

Written By Amanda Farber