It's Never Too Early For A Cocktail

Especially A Pornstar Martini🍹

Pornstar Martini Cocktail

The Pornstar Martini is a passion-fruit-flavoured cocktail made with vanilla-flavoured vodka, Passoã, passion fruit juice and lime juice. It is traditionally accompanied by a chilled shot glass of prosecco. It is not a true martini, but is one of many drinks that incorporate the term martini into their names.

Porn Star Martini and Prosecco Shot

However, if you do not like passion fruit, you could settle for a Lychee Martini. The lychee martini (also known as "lichitini" or "lycheetini") is a beautiful, delicate and unusual cocktail that features the sweet taste of lychee fruit. It is a delicious vodka martini and very easy to make. Mix vodka, lychee liqueur or syrup, and lime juice to make your cocktail in less than five minutes.

lychee martini Cocktail

Coded by Benedicte Toko