Supplement Calculator

"Access a tailored list of Vitamins and Minerals for your best health."

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"A ★★★★★ star rating all around!"- Emma J

You've heard that its neccessary to take supplements daily to substitute for the vitamins and minerals that our foods fail to supply us with, as it once did. Countless studies have proven that our food sources lack the equivalent nutrients it once had due to over-cultivation of farm soil. It is imperative to our well being to now supplement nutrients, especially if you have dietary restrictions, are of a mature age group or pregnant or lactating. In common cases, many people end up taking too many supplemnts or just plenty of the wrong ones, eventually making their body susceptible to a plethora of ailments stemming from vitamin toxicity. Our new supplement calculator will advise you of any toxic combinations between the number of supplements you currently take or plan on taking and will even suggest safer, healthier vitamins to take instead for effective nutritional intake.

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Coded by Khelsea Al-Arefi