My son loves Trash Trucks 🚛

and Trash Tuesday


My son loves Trash Trucks and very much looks forward to Tuesday Trash Days. He waves to our garbage man Dexter who always honks his horn back. This spurred my son to also fall in love with the show Trash Truck on Netflix. It is about a boy named, Hank and a Trash Truck named, you guessed it, Trash Truck. There are also some other friends in the form of a mouse, raccoon, and a bear. They are named Miss Mona, Donny, and Walter, respectively.

The show was such a hit, they also created a wonderful book that has been popular as well and I recommend it for anyone with toddlers. Currently it looks to be on backorder, for the sake of this project, and you can join the waitlist to order.

Read an article about Trash Truck here and get on the waitlist for the book below: