The word "artisan" refers to a skilled craftsman and "artisan" bread, by
definition, is simply bread made by a skilled baker by hand in small
batches. "Artisan" bread is typically made using traditional yeast
fermenting techniques. The long fermentation process produces a bread
with a nuanced flavor profile, open grain, and a chewy texture
complimented by a crisp crust. Changing the ingredients of the dough or
the techniques used to produce it, such as the mixing time, shaping,
water hydration, fermentation time or the temperature, will change the
behaviour of the dough. Different behaviours create the personalised
textures and flavours used to create unique bread types. A skilled baker
is able to adapt a dough to make several variations of bread from the
same batch of dough. At first, learning all there is to know about
baking "artisan" bread can feel overwhelming. Just put your fears behind
you; even a novice baker can enjoy making a freshly baked loaf of
"artisan" bread. Click the button below for a simple, practically
fail-proof no-knead-dutch-oven-bread recipe to whet your appetite and
inspire you to begin your own "artisan" bread baking journey. 🥖 Bon
Explore Artisan Bread