Say YES to the climate!

An achitecture project by Theresa Wagner

The idea

Hamburg, Germany's largest city under the influence of the changing tides on the North Sea coast, has always been more directly affected by the effects of climate change than other German cities. Based on this, the idea was born to locate the topic of climate change in this prominent place of action in Hamburg by an institution for the promotion of the dialogue between science and society and to communicate the results of the research in a comprehensible way to the broad public. The "Forum Klima Hamburg" is intended to act as a central contact point for the scientific institutions involved in CliSAP, thereby forming the basis for worldwide networking with other climate research institutions.

Urban development concept

The stock situation shows a break in the port promenade. This break is to be eliminated and thus the edge of the port completed. Pedestrians and cyclists should thus have the opportunity to pass through the area easily and clearly. Pedestrians will continue to be guided past the former Landungsbrücken reception building. Cyclists will be given their own bicycle lane along the St. Pauli Hafenstraße and will then be led onto the building. In addition, a network of paths will be created to overcome the existing barrier "St. Pauli Hafenstraße". A new level will be created that will pick up people in the urban space and draw attention to the issue of climate change.

Here you can find more information about Hamburg!

coded by Theresa Wagner