The Best Anime Genre

A group collage of popular Isekai characters.

Isekai (another world) is a term commonly used to describe Japanese stories, such as anime, manga, light novels, or web novels, in which the main character is transported to a different world through reincarnation, summoning, or being transmigrated by a God. The setting of these stories is typically, but not exclusively, a medieval fantasy world with swords and magic.

The Isekai genre can be split into two sub-genres: "transition into another world" (異世界転移, isekai ten'i) and "reincarnation into another world" (異世界転生, isekai tensei). In "transition into another world" stories, the main character is transported to a different world through various means such as traveling or summoning. On the other hand, "reincarnation into another world" narratives involve the protagonist being reincarnated in a different world after dying in the real world. A common method of death used in these stories is being hit by a truck, which has led to the popularization of the "Truck-kun" meme, referring to a truck that appears in multiple "isekai" series and kills the protagonist, leading to their reincarnation in a different world.

Here is a list to the greatest Isekai animes of all time.

Coded by Iris Fotabong