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Noun. A strong desire to travel

world travel image

I have often found myself craving change and adventure, that seems to only be satisfied by travel. There isn’t anything more exciting than traveling to have new experiences and make memories that will last forever.

Traveling has become a part of me, when I start to feel stuck in the repetitive loop of my routine, I get an urge to pack my bags and explore somewhere new to me. I haven’t been across the globe or to every continent (yet) but, this is just the beginning for me and my travels.

When you travel, you meet different people from all over the world, gaining new experiences and gathering knowledge of different cultures, expanding your world view. Travel also allows for you to create potential opportunities through networking with the people that you meet on the way. Click here to read more about the benefits of travelling

Traveling is one of the most rewarding pursuits, and it doesn’t have to be expensive!
Whether it’s by car, plane or train, solo, with friends or family, with some research, you can find the best routes, lowest airfares, cheapest places to stay and other ways of minimising cost while touring the world.