The Good News

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After 3,000 Years, Tasmanian Devils Make a Comeback on Mainland Australia

By Good Global News

The iconic Tasmanian devil has just been returned to mainland Australia for the first time in 3,000 years. This first historic release is only step one in the mission to rewild Australia and bring balance to the bush, according to nonprofit Aussie Ark and its partners Global Wildlife Conservation and Wild Ark. In a statement Aussie Ark explained they are committed to returning Australia’s ecosystems to that of pre-European settlement, free from introduced feral predators – an island oasis.

tasmanian devil in the wild

To date, more than 390 devils have been born and raised at Aussie Ark in a way that fosters natural behavior in the animals, preparing them for release into the wild. This year, 26 Tasmanian devils were released into a 400-hectare wild sanctuary. In the next two years, Aussie Ark plans two additional releases of 20 devils each. If all goes as planned, the animals will breed and produce joeys, eventually resulting in a self-sustaining wild population.

baby joeys

Not only does the reintroduction bode well for the recovery of the Tasmanian devil, but as native apex predators and the world’s largest carnivorous marsupials, they help control feral cats and foxes that threaten other endangered and endemic species. As scavengers, they help keep their home clean and free of disease. Their return to the wild therefore establishes the foundation for an ambitious vision to rewild Australia.