The best pets to have are...

ladynbeardie babybeardies

🐉Beardied Dragons🐉

Beardies are the best because they are lovable dosile creatures.
They are an introverts best friens and make the perfect companion
pet. They love time with their human and love their time alone even
more. The make a great living room attraction and even though at
first glance they can seem intimidating but once you have them in
your hands they will cling to your fingers when they are at their
smallest ans will lay skillfully in the palm of your hands a they age.
Their apetitle for smalls bug and leafy greens made the pet easy to
take care for a new vegan dragon mom.

Most bearded dragon have spiky scales with a spiked beared that
can puff out if they feel threathened. Although there are various types of bearded dragons. My favorite is a leather back beardie...

The bearded dragon lives up to its name: Like a dragon, its equipped with armor of spiny reptilian scales, which include a “beard” of
spikes under its chin that puffs up depending on its mood. There are eight species species of bearded dragons recognized today, all of
which are affectionately called “beardies.” Among the most popular pet reptiles, bearded dragons tend to be gentle, inquisitive, and
active during the day. The central bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps, is the most common species to have as a pet.