Healthy Dog Food

Did you know that you can keep your dog healthy and fit with simple homemade food? Check it out!

Cooking for your dog can be tricky, especially when you don’t know exactly what to cook and how much you should cook. Which human foods are safe for our furry friends? How can we ensure that our food will be balanced? Your dog won’t eat processed food ever again!

You should watch out for things that dogs cannot eat. Toxic ingredients like chocolate, avocado, onions, and garlic should be avoided. You can check a full list here.

Today, we’ll teach you a recipe for dog treats! Healthy and delicious for your furry friends <3



*Baking time will vary depending on the size and thickness of the treats. Serving size will also vary depending on the desired shapes and cookie cutters used.

Want to know how much to feed your dog on a daily basis?
